How They Work
First let me address how they work. Once a QR code has been created a person has to use their smartphone to scan it. Once it has been scanned, it will take you to where the QR code has been designed to take you. If you scan the QR code above, it will take you to this blog.
There are several apps for the iPhone and Android that will read these codes. I personally use RedLaser Barcode and QR Code Reader.
How They Can Be Used
There are several ways a church can us QR codes to get a message out.
1. Church Business Cards
Most churches have business cards. They are great for getting out information about your church like location, service schedule, and contact information. However, with a simple QR code a church can link the new contact to their website, a YouTube message from the pastor, a map to find the church, or to any other information you can't fit on the business card.
2. Church Bulletin
Each week we hand these out and pick them up off of the pews after service. They are very useful and do a great job of sharing the week's information with a visitor. The QR code in a Bulletin might link them to a calendar of the month's events, or maybe the notes for the Bible Study or the Message.
3. Posted around the church.
A QR code next to the nursery could give a mother information about the nursery ministry. One next to the Sunday School office could inform new parents about the classes available or link them to the material.
4. Youth ministry
Want to change up your next scavenger hunt? Hide QR codes at different spots around town with clues programed into them to lead your youth to the next spot.
How They Are Made
They are pretty easy to make. You can simply google or search on YouTube "how to make a QR code" and you'll find a bunch of sites that will make them for free and videos that will explain it. I personally like this website from Kaywa.
I hope you find this useful and if you have any questions or other ways you could see using QR codes at your church, please leave a comment below!
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